Monday, January 9, 2012

January Training in RI's great winter riding weather

Hi Folks,

Saturday, Jan. 7, I did 45 miles on one of the nicest days of the year (pun intended). It got up to 60+ degrees. After I did my usual 30 or so miles, I decided to keep on going. So I went from E. Prov. to Bristol, along the East Bay Bike Path, back to Barrington to Seekonk, Rehoboth then back to the Bike Path in Barrington and home to E. Prov. I was pushing it at 3 1/2 hours but it showed me that my envisioned pace of 50 miles per day is  pretty reasonable.

Sunday, Jan. 8, took a 5 mile walk with my wife Jeanne. I discovered new muscles for walking vs. riding but it was so nice to have someone to talk to while doing some moderate exercise.

Monday, Jan. 9, I did a 44 mile ride through Seekonk, Swansea, Rehoboth and into Dighton in 3 1/2 hours. I think that 40 degrees is about as low a temperature in which as I would like to ride. I also noticed that at about 30-35 miles I could use a break to help me resusitate my energy. I have been eating fruit and candy bars along with drinking fruit juice. It seems to work pretty well.  Biking is great fun especially when I get any kind of down slope. Zoom, zoom, zoom. Clearly the mountains of the Southwest are going to be much more of a challenge. Life is great. Praise the Lord!

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