Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1st

Hello from Ft. Stockton, TX.  This is an outpost of West Texas that is developing its potential as a tourist area. They even feature sand-boarding although we didn't see any yet.  Before leaving Balmorhea this morning we took a few more pictures of the grounds.

This is a picture of an inground natural spring encased by a swimming pool.  It is the source of all the greenery making this, literally, an oasis in the desert.

This is the swimming pool. The water temperature stays at 72 degrees all year.

It even attracts early birdwatchers.

As we were leaving town, we spotted a very untypical establishment for imports.

Apparently some of these items come from Mexico.

Mexican cowboy.

Mexican peasant.  

This looks like a Mexican bandido, with six shooters over his head.

  Here's a Longhorn that has seen better days.

Here's me at our lunch break. This was the first time we actually found a sponsored Rest Area for us to take our break. It was exceeding pleasant having lunch with Jeanne in this cool setting. We generally stop along side the highway. 

As I was biking I couldn't resist my typical view of they highway I was peddling. Hot stuff!

1 comment:

  1. When do you plan on resuming your ride, Ray? It looks like you will be picking it up in Beaumont, TX. Maybe you can post a map of the remainder of your anticipated route.
