Friday, February 3, 2012

Recent Activity to February 3rd

We got packed, took a few pictures and set off for Maryland.

Here's me with Christian.

Went to play with Jeanne's and Granpa Ray's grandkids.

Jeanne wasn't feeling too good so I did the March for Life in Washington, DC with friends from Barrington in January.

Headed for Knoxville, TN and then to Jonesboro, AR.  Visited cousin - Sr. Mary Beth Hackley and met the the wonderful nuns there.


Headed for Plano, TX where we spent the night with cousins Judy and John D'Aniello.

Headed to San Antonio, TX where we joined Jeanne's sister Karen Belline to celebrate her 70th birthday party.

We had to recalibrate our brakes and it turns out our camper tires were shot. So we pulled in and had them done.

We then headed across West Texas and stopped to see the caverns at Sonora, TX.

There were some animals on the grounds as well.

We then went to Van Horn, TX and then thhrough New Mexico to a place in AZ called Picacho
Peak RV Resort in AZ.  That's where we are right now. As you probably saw from the picture of us in the Sonora Caverns, Jeanne got sweated up. By the time we got here, she was feeling bad enough that we went to urgent care. She was diagnosed with broncitis.  They prescribed given plenty of medication. So, we here we are camped out midway between Tucson and Phoenix AZ for a few days for Jeanne to recover.  It is a setback, but the weather is nice and there are some very friendly people in this neck of the woods (I should say prairie). We will keep you posted.  Thanks.

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