Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Up to February 15th

We made good time the last two days and reached the outskirts of Phoenix. The nights have been downright chilly (in the 30's) with a pretty strong wind. Ocassionally, as I ride by an area, I notice these rows and rows of barren trees. It turns out these are nut groves of various trees presently out of season.

This was a welcome sign at the end of a long trek yesterday. It turns out this is a pretty nice town and the people in these parts are the friendliest we have run into so far.

We had a little trouble with our heater this morning, the coldest morning we experienced on our journey.  Fortunately, this wonderful couple from Wisconsin parked next door, helped us fix it and we were able to move on with our heater intact.   The people on the other side of us were bikers years ago and very interested in how far the technology has come for road bikes.  They posed for a picture this morning.

This fellow I ran into this morning is from Zermatt Switzerland. He takes winters in AZ and bikes about three times a week sometimes as many as 100 miles at a time. He used to race bikes in his younger days in Europe.

Another fellow I ran into is from San Diego. He was riding with me and had a flat tire. He is making his way, like me, to St. Augustine Florida. Get a load of all the gear hs is carying. He was fixing a flat tire when the Swiss rider came upon us. 

After getting to Suprise, AZ, it took us an hour to hunt down our RV place.  It turned out to be the nicest RV park we have stayed at thus far.  It has fountains. . .

Flowers. . .

Pool sports. . .

And, over 2500 spaces for permanent and mobile RV's as well as accomodating overnighters like us

Here we are getting set up, ready to take a break for the rest of the day.

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